In each group, group or organization, leadership is one important factor. Leadership is to influence the group in achieving its goals. How to lead someone to lead a group or organization to the success or failure in achieving the set goals.
Some understanding of leadership:
1. The leader is one who can influence the group which led to exert joint efforts to achieve the goals or destinations.
2. Chairman of the aged is one of the group to represent and be responsible for the group in achieving the set goals.
3. Head is a head of a group or unit to lead the group / unit goals.
4. Leadership is the process of moving and influencing others to achieve the set goals.
According to some sense, the leadership in relation to:
1. The involvement of another person or group of people in activities to achieve goals.
2. There are certain factors that have the leadership to someone else willing to move or influence to achieve goals.
3. The existence of joint efforts and mobilization of various resources, including manpower, funds, time, and others.
Looking at the case - the case above, it can be said that the essence of leadership is as follows:
1. Leadership is the personality of a person who causes a group of others imitate or follow. Leadership is a personality who radiates authority, the authority so that a group of people willing to do what he wants.
2. Leadership is an art, or technical ability to make a bunch of people to follow or comply with what is required, make them enthusiastic or eager to follow him, and even willing to sacrifice.
3. Leadership is the cause of the activities, processes or willingness to change opinions or attitudes of a group of people, both in formal and informal organizations.
4. Leadership is to generate and transmit the influence of a group of people so willing to change minds, opinions, attitudes, beliefs and so forth. Leadership in formal organizations is an ongoing process, which makes all members of the organization and actively seek to understand and achieve goals - goals that are required by the leader.
5. Leadership is a form of persuasion, the art of building a group of people through the "human relations" and the right motivation, so without fear that they could work together, understand and achieve the goals of the organization.
6. Leadership is a tool, a tool or instrument to create a group of people willing to work together, their power the means, to abide by all the objectives set.
The main task of delivering a form of leadership, pioneering, to guide, educate, guide and others for their subordinates to follow the leader to achieve organizational goals can only be done properly, if a leader functions as it should.
Functions - the functions of leadership are:
1. Planning function, a leader must make a comprehensive plan for the organization itself as a responsible institution and the achievement of organizational goals.
2. Forward-looking function, a leader who always looked forward means will be able to see what will happen and always be alert to all possibilities.
3. Function of loyalty development, development of loyalty not only among the followers, but also for leaders of primary and secondary levels in the organization.
4. Oversight function, monitoring is a function of the leader to constantly review the progress of the implementation plan.
5. Features decisions; decision is a function of leadership is not easy to do. Therefore, many leaders of the delay to make decisions. In fact, there are leaders who do not dare make a decision.
6. Maintenance function, the function of inner satisfaction is striving for the preservation and development groups for survival.
A leader must always be attentive to his men. Leaders must be able to give encouragement, encouraging, influencing his subordinates to work hard and perform well on the organization. Leaders also need to give awards, honors, prizes, and similar to the performance of men, to carry out this function.
7. Carry out the functions, leaders must consistently perform its duties and responsibilities to achieve the goals set.
Types of leadership:
• dictatorial leadership, lead the way to bully, dominate.
• autocratic leadership, centralization of authority and decision making at the leadership.
• Democratic Leadership: Based on the decentralization of power and decision making.
• laissez-faire leadership; Leaving the group set goals and results
Where do we type?
What we can choose the type of leadership?
To develop or select the type of effective leadership, then Please understand how other people look at our current leadership. Ask the people who worked with us, how our actions as a leader.
What we can be a good leader?
Everyone can be a good leader. It takes just a little persistence to learn. To be sure we must have the confidence and the commitment to make changes to organizational development. It should not be waiting for us was assigned to lead a great program. Even small projects or activities can also be a means to learn to be a good leader, for example, when the coordinator of the monthly family care services in nursing homes, led the meeting, the coaches, etc..
"A leader is someone who inspires, persuade, influence, and motivate others"
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